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Newsround Solution More about us

Newsround Solution

A perfect and matchless solution to meet all the requirements of a news agent. Doing little more than you already do with a normal till news round can save a great deal of time.

Managing holiday stops and starts is a breeze, helps you to manage your customers' accounts, customer's shop save and holidays, instant price alterations, newspaper stock control and most of all automatically generation of flexible news rounds for your paper boy and it charges customers for their deliveries and papers' bill automatically. It also Keeps track of all the deliveries, 'paper boys', accounts and contemporary reporting.

The e-tek Newsround Solution can be integrated with the e-Retail system and be operated from the till as well as from the back office giving you complete control.



EPOS Benefits

Better stock control, staff performance monitoring,more savings and less shrinkage etc....


e-tek is prepared for the up-coming high demand pressure and assures quality service at each and every stage in this new year - BODs 28 Dec. 2009

EPOS - Buyers Guide

A basic electronic cash register will meet the needs of many small startup businesses with small product lines and low turnover.However, few purchases can have as dramatic an effect on your retail or hospitality business as a carefully selected EPOS System (Electronic Point Of Sale)

Leasing Benefits

100% tax deduction, better use of valuable cash. Low initial deposit

Leasing Calculator

Calculate today for a profitable tomorrow.

